"Requiem For A Dream" isn't necessarily the most severe. But, dear God, is it going to be a massive buzzkill to whatever the hell you had going on in your life. As a visual experience, it is simply exhausting, but it's not all for naught. Many critics cite Aronofsky's provocative...
从来没有哪一部电影让人如此的心痛,也没有哪一张OST让人如此的沉溺。如该电影另一译名:迷上瘾。33首曲目分成三个章节,分别对应着电影中summer、fall、winter三个部分。创作者是英国的电子音乐人Clint Mansell。这张糅杂了古典、工业金属和电子的OST,如同电影中让四个悲剧人物无法自拔的毒品一样,真正能够产生一种炫...
片名requiem for a dream 直接揭示了addiction的背后原因——dream.Sara 梦想上电视,那是她枯燥单调乏味生活的唯一希望。她开始变得有期望有活力有追求,可是当能力与欲望无法匹配,她开始寻求捷径,她开始贪婪,开始失控,开始堕落到深渊中去。即使堕落到深渊底层,即使被迫接受电击治疗,即使最终所有的幻觉依然,始终没变的是...
Requiem for a Dream Alcoholics or drug addicts feel wrong when they don’t feel right. Eventually they feel very wrong, and must feel right, and at that point their lives spiral down into some sort of final chapter–recovery if they’re lucky, hopelessness and death if they’re not....
Requiem for a Dream (Book Review)Reviews the screenplay 'Requiem for a Dream,' by Darren Aronofsky and Hubert Selby Jr.Miller, Barry XLibrary Journal
Requiem for a Dream 提示:这篇影评可能有剧透 一个混沌的星期六,一楼潮湿的水汽让整个世界都变的迷幻起来.整个春天总是很迷幻的,于是所有人在这迷幻的季节全都找不着北.寝室的高人同学丢了他唯一一双运动鞋,石头丢了他4天前曾丢过一次的单车,4个人神经质点灯打牌到凌晨4点,还有一个抽着我的红双喜在独自...
This is not for everyone. Easy to get disgusted and even depressed. So, make sure you know what you sre in for. A must watch for anyone struggling with addictions though.Also, a good reminder to give a call to your Ma! And often. 3 out of 3 found this helpful. Was this review ...
Quick Hit Review:Darren Aronofsky came to the indie scene with the little known, even to this day,Pi, a horror-drama that I’ve never sat down to watch. His follow-up wasRequiem for a Dream, another indie flick with a more well known cast and a movie that has garnered a decent fol...
“Three chords. A skeletal melody. And an uneasy sense of pathos and dread.”对于这张soundtrack的反应永远有两派,第一派举着小旗簇拥着呻吟着“世界末日”,“好绝望”,“牛逼的经典”,感官上得到了强烈的满足可又不知从何说起;另一派就是以我mentor为首的学贯上下两千年西方古典音乐史的音乐系研究生。