requests知乎返回状态码是500JeasonG 102个月前 提问 源自: python爬虫| 用python写爬虫 0 def search_xsrf(): url= " <a href=""></a> " #登录页面地址 r=requests.get(url)#获取页面 if int(r.status_code)!=200: raise NetworkError(u" request...
If an HTTP request is cancelled/aborted on client side, the request is reported with http status code 500 in mixer / prometheus (which is a server status code). Affected product area (please put an X in all that apply) [ ] Configuration Infrastructure [ ] Docs [ ] Installation [ ] Net...
("verbosity").Value = "Verbose"; traceAreasCollection.AddElement(addElement1); var failureDefinitionsElement = addElement.ChildElements.Item("failureDefinitions"); failureDefinitionsElement.Properties.Item("statusCodes").Value = "500"; traceFailedRequestsCollection.AddElement(addElement); adminManager....
adapters.HTTPAdapter( max_retries=Retry( total=4, backoff_factor=0.1, status_forcelist=[500], method_whitelist=["GET", "POST", "PATCH"], ) ) session.mount("https://", adapter) resp = session.get(url) assert resp.status_code == 200 assert rsp1.call_count == 1 assert
r.status_code 返回如下 那么我们如果按照正常的去处理,而不是事先去处理接口的状态码。我们的接口可能请求就会出错了。那么我们应该先知道状态码有哪些,才可以更好的来判断? 状态码一共有5种。 代码语言:javascript 复制 分类 分类描述1**信息,服务器收到请求,需要请求者继续执行操作2**成功,操作被成功接收并处...
NormalReturn codes for successful requestsStatus CodeDescription200Request succeeded.202Asynchronous requests (such as performing a task) are submitted successfully.Abnor
Status code: 200 JSON 复制 { "description": "A sample request to demonstrate the Symbol Experience", "expirationDate": "2015-08-16T20:14:39", "name": "My Sample Request", "status": "sealed", "createdBy": "", "createdDate": "2015-07-17T20:14:39", ...
0000-000000000003"}, {"id":"63503","trackingId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003"}, {"id":"68100","trackingId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003"} ],"title":"People also like","longTitle":"People also like","titleId":1,"pagingInfo": {"totalItems":138},"status":"Success...
In [3]: r.status_code Out[3]: 200 In [4]: r.encoding Out[4]: 'gbk' In [5]: r.text[:500] Out[5]: '<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n<html lang="zh-CN">\n<head>\n <!-- shouji -->\n <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gbk" />\n <title>【LG27UD58】...
🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖addedgroupcode reviewCategory:Code Review Workflowlabels and removedgroupsource codeCategory:Source Code Managementlabels3 years ago 0 Assignees None Weight None Due date None Time tracking No estimate or time spent Health status ...