Within the past decade or so, third-party entities have become increasingly skilled at collecting and sharing consumers’ personal information. While some countries do have strict data privacy laws to protect their people, the truth is, in most cases, the consumers themselves inadvertently expose the...
With the new year on the horizon, it is smart to be up on the latest laws that will be taken into effect in 2024. One big law in New York that will be going into effect is one prohibiting employers from accessing employees personal social media accounts. New York Prohibits Employers Acce...
With the new year on the horizon, it is smart to be up on the latest laws that will be taken into effect in 2024. One big law in New York that will be going into effect is one prohibiting employers from accessing employees personal social media accounts. New York Prohibits Employers Acce...
If you don't like it then you should work on getting the laws changed. If fraud has occurred the seller is within their rights to prove it in a court or law and reclaim their money. Message 18 of 37 latest reply 2 Helpful Reply Re: Buyer is requesting a return. ...
Concerning abortion care, possible pre-existing diffi- culties such as arranging childcare, taking time off from work, and transport to the abortion centre [4–9] may have potentially been increased by both the pandemic it- self and the protective measures installed by the Belgian government. ...
This Court intends such a message here."85 In a subsequent decision not totally on point, a California court of appeal ruled that an employer could inspect the hard drive of a work-at-home computer it had provided to an employee.86 The claims arose from an allegedly wrongful termination ...