request_irq failed Other Parts Discussed in Thread:TCA9535 Hi Pavel, I use gpio0_6 as an interrupt source.But it is failed to request irq. It is my code as below. int res,irq_num; irq_num=gpio_to_irq(6); res=request_irq(irq_num,get_state,IRQF_DISABLED,"buttons",(void *)buf)...
// free_irq(gpio_irq.irq,(void*)0); printk(KERN_DEBUG "request irq failed.\n"); return -EBUSY; } return 0; } int light_release(struct inode *inode,struct file *filp) { free_irq(gpio_irq.irq,(void*)0); return 0; } int light_ioctl(struct inode *inode,struct file *filp,unsig...
I designed the FPGA with Vivado 2015.4, the Linux application with Petalinux 2015.4. Problem : the request_irq() in xilinx_axienet_open() fails with error -22 ... net eth0: axienet_open() xilinx_axienet 40000000.ethernet: request_irq() failed, errno:-22 ... I didn't found applicati...
*/ if (!desc->action) { ret = irq_request_resources(desc); if (ret) { pr_err("Failed to request resources for %s (irq %d) on irqchip %s\n", new->name, irq, desc->irq_data.chip->name); goto out_bus_unlock; } } /* * The following block of code has to be executed ...
[ 72.185484] alt_up_pci_probe() failed with error: -22The status_use_accessors value is 0x10c00, and irq_settings_can_request(), where this value and with _IRQ_NOREQEUST, the result is not zero, so EINVAL returned.This is really puzzled for me. What I am dong wrong ? Attachment ...
指向入口函数。 5.出口函数first_drv_exit。卸载驱动unregsiter_chrdev(major,”...
printk(KPD_SAY "register IRQ failed (%d)\n", r); misc_deregister(&kpd_dev); input_unregister_device(kpd_input_dev); return r; } 下面是网上的一个朋友分析的终端中断申请函数 在2.4 内核和 2.6内核中都使用request_irq()函数来注册中断服务函数。在 2.4 内核中,需要包含的头文件是 #include <linu...
the interrupt request caused by warning:passing argument 2 ' REQUEST_IRQ ' from incompatible pointer type has failed and this article has been transferred from: . cn/s/blog_7321be1101012gek.html Today in...
printk(KERN_INFO "Failed to request IRQ d\n", irq); return ret; } 最后,在系统退出或设备不再需要中断时,我们使用free_irq()函数来释放中断: c int irq = 10;假设中断号为10 free_irq(irq, NULL); 通过上述例子,我们可以清晰地了解到request_any_context_irq()函数的使用方法及其在实际开发中的应用...
dev_err(dev, "Failed to request IRQ\n"); return ret; }disable_irq(vpu->irq);ret = devm_rproc_add(dev, rproc); if (ret) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to register remote processor\n");0 comments on commit c768968 Please sign in to comment. Footer...