I am trying to register an ISR with irq number 121 but getting -22 as error. We have a external GPIO controller which is mapped to address space - 0x80040000 and the GPIO pin is connected to external irq0[3:0] in the zynq CPU. here is the code snippet for registering the irq. pr...
[ 72.176973] return val of request_irq is -22! [ 72.181528] pci_request_irq() failed. [ 72.185484] alt_up_pci_probe() failed with error: -22The status_use_accessors value is 0x10c00, and irq_settings_can_request(), where this value and with _IRQ_NOREQEUST, the result is not ...
Linux中request_irq()中断申请与处理说明 Linux中request_irq()中断申请与处理说明 1、中断的理解 中断你可以理解为就是⼀种电信号,是由硬件设备产⽣的然后发送给处理器,处理器接收到中断后,就会马上向操作系统反映此信号,之后就是系统的⼯作了。这⾥有两个注意的地⽅,第⼀中断是随时都可以产...
上一篇/下一篇2010-07-21 22:06:44 /个人分类:Linux移植 查看( 358 )/评论( 0 )/评分( 0 / 0 ) 注:若对kernel中断处理模型不是很清楚的话(如:irqaction的作用)可以先参考一下这篇文档: http://blog.chinaunix.net/u2/60011/showart.php?id=1079281 这里主要讲request_irq的参数dev_id的作用,内容会...
What is an interrupt request (IRQ) and how does it relate to computing? An IRQ is a fundamental mechanism in computing that allows devices to interrupt the central processing unit (CPU) when they need attention or action. When a device generates an IRQ, it suspends the CPU's current task...
12.4(22)T This command was modified. Keywords were added to apply a DSCP value to media (voice and fax) packets with a specified (successful or failed) RSVP connection. Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S. Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7...