If the refund request is approved, you'll see it being processed on your Microsoft account, and you'll no longer be able to access the digital game product. Refunds may take several business days or longer to appear in your account, so you may want to check with your financial institution...
Don’t worry, Xbox has its very own Refund system through which you can quickly refund an item labeled as ”Refundable” if it is as per their refund policy. So in this article, we’ll be explaining everything you need to know to refund a purchased item from the Xbox store. Xbox Refu...
refund request I played EA FC24 with xbox pass few week ago, and now I purchased on EA app today ( 29th april ) but this game is so buggy and i am not happy with it. I requested for refund today (29th april ) so will i be able to get the refund?
I found not only was in not available, but also that separate paid accounts have to be made for each platform, which is crazy on the Pro version of EA Play. I attempted
aOrigin is a cross-platform gaming service with connectivity at its center. Add friends from networks like Xbox Live and Facebook, keep track of your purchases, chat on forums and message boards, browse exclusive offers in the Origin Store, and discover new ways to interact with your favorite...
@fred_sanity 只要点了这个申请,出了your request for refund has been submitted,就算成功了么?这个退款页面有分服一说么 kila_gyc 2020-12-18 11:30 我估计精户交底了,下个补丁也不是提升表现的,直接外包算了。 persona_echo 2020-12-18 11:31 等优化好应该还会上架的。 caininghan 2020-12-18...
Яхочуперенестисвойигровойпрогресснадругуюучётнуюзапись Мненужнапомощьсвходомвучетнуюзапись EA на Xbox Всесправочныестатьи...
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Here's what you need to know before requesting a refund for an Xbox purchase: You have to use the account through which the product was purchased. This rule is fairly obvious, but to request a refund for any Xbox games or game purchase, you need to have access to the account through ...
Xbox Live Gold Subscribers Can Request Refund in June