Sample 1 Request for Disclosure.During the Term,in the eventthatthe Receiving Partyreceives arequest to discloseall or any part of the Confidential Information underan orderor inquiryissued byacourt of competent jurisdictionor by a judicial oradministrative agencyorlegislative body, the Receiving Party...
The Association agrees that in any action so defended, it will indemnify and hold harmless the District from any liability for damages and costs imposed by a final judgment of a court or administrative agency as a direct consequence of the district’s compliance with this section. Sample 1...
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aFried tofu 油煎的豆腐[translate] a(6)... and, at the first written request of the public purchaser without notice or any prior judicial administrative approach. (6)… 并且,根据公开采购员不预先通知或任何预先的司法行政方法的第一个书面请求。[translate]...
recklessly supplies false or misleading information for the purpose of making thedatausercomply with the correctionrequest. 在此情況下,政府當局認為,如資料當事人明知或罔 顧實情地提供虛假或具誤導性的資訊,目的是為了令資料使用 者依從其改正要求,便須處以刑事罰則。 Sample Data File UMDNJ will provide a sample data file of claims information for the bidder to use in preparing a proposal in response to this RFP. Because this data file includes confidential information, it will be provided only to bidders that execute the Product Assessment which is...
The Terms and Conditions shall be a part of any contract that results from this Request for Proposals. This Request for Proposals also includes a sample of the City's form contract as an attachment. All conditions contained in this attached contract are hereby expressly made a part of and ...
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SAN (Storage Area Network) Hardware ISSUED: October 27, 2011 9am PROPOSAL DUE DATE & TIME: November 16, 2011 3pm RFP#11-40000 Document Management Systems BACKGROUND INFORMATION HoustonWorks USA is a private, non-profit organization, which provides training and employment ...