axioserror: request failed with status code 407 文心快码BaiduComate 1. HTTP状态码407的含义 HTTP状态码407表示“代理认证要求”(Proxy Authentication Required)。当客户端尝试通过代理服务器访问资源时,代理服务器需要客户端进行身份验证,但客户端没有提供有效的身份验证信息,或者提供的身份验证信息不正确,此时代理...
( Error from SharePoint site: HttpStatusCode ProxyAuthenticationRequired The request failed with HTTP status 407: Proxy Authorization Required. Thursday, February 23, 2012 12:01 AM Reply | Quot...
http) URL through a proxy but without a proxy credential, in .net core3, we would get a response with status code 407 (ProxyAuthenticationRequired), but in .net core, it will directly throw an exception with message "The proxy tunnel request to proxy 'xxx' failed with status code '407...
<div id="content"> Service request failed. Status: 407 (Proxy Authentication Required) <blockquote id="error"> <p><b>Cache Access Denied.</b></p> </blockquote> <p>Sorry, you are not currently allowed to request from this cache until you have authenticated yourself.</p> <p>Please ...
HTTP状态码(HTTP Status Code),常见的error 404, error 504等的意思 200 – 服务器成功返回网页 404 – 请求的网页不存在 503 – 服务不可用 详细分解: 1xx(临时响应) 表示临时响应并需要请求者继续执行操作的状态代码。 代码 说明 100 (继续) 请求者应当继续提出请求。 服务器返回此代码表示已收到请求的第...
Performing proxy network check failed with exception: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagier...
Request failed with status code 502服务没启用 比较熟悉的服务器返回错误码有:500、502,503,301、404或者200,含义如下: 500:内部服务器错误 502:错误网关 503:服务器超载 200:请求成功 301:资源(网页等)被永久转移到其它URL 404:请求的资源(网页等)不存在...
HTTP 4xx –Client error codes. Something is wrong with the request from the browser to the web server. HTTP 5xx –Server or network error codes. The server encountered an issue or error preventing it fulfilling the request.This page at Moz has a fuller explanation of HTTP status codes and...
After sending a response with status code 401 or 407, the server MUST NOT close the TCP connection to the client because the client is expected to resubmit the Describe request with the appropriate credentials.If the server is not sending a response with an error status code, and if the ...
If an API call fails, a request ID, a service node, an error code, and an error message are returned. The HTTP status code is 4xx or 5xx. Sample error responses: XML format: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--Result Root Node--> <Error> <RequestId>540CFF28-407A-40...