The first thing you should do is review your credit report. You can request a free copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus – Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion – once per year through Reviewing your credit report will allow you to chec...
aYou can get a credit report by contacting one of the three credit reporting agencies in Canada, TransUnion, EquiFax Canada, or Northern Credit Bureaus. To receive your free credit report, you will need to mail or fax one of these companies a request along with copies of two pieces of I....
RequestforCopyofConsumerReportInstructions Overview:Inordertoprocessyourrequestforacopyofyourconsumerreportpleasecompleteform122.96.9– RequestforaCopyofConsumerReport.Inordertoreduceanypossibledelays,pleaseprintlegiblywithblackorblue ink. Wehaveenclosedacopyof“ASummaryofYourRightsUndertheFairCreditReportingAct”....