integrity sha512-fL+WrEsIM3cP4VTOsqR8enlT/4VX+OCVF7WALN85bgdFPSRpv2X7ZqsXOdYd358cAp4KO9MiveSkAKwKcTXKLw== dependencies: "@opentelemetry/core" "^1.8.0" "@opentelemetry/instrumentation" "^0.45.1" "@opentelemetry/semantic-conventions" "^1.0.0""...
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Given this drawback, we studied an attitude-determination method named optimal-REQUEST, which is an optimal method for attitude determination that is based on observation vectors. Compared to the traditional attitude-determination method, the filtering gain of the proposed method is tuned autonomously;...
As the management web console is running on the same port as the API for the agents, this bearer token is also valid for any actions on the web console. This allows an attacker with network access to the appliance to start the registration of a new agent, retrieve a bearer token that p...