HTTP Status Code: 400 ValidationException A validation exception for a field. HTTP Status Code: 400See Also For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:AWS Command Line Interface AWS SDK for .NET AWS SDK for C++ AWS SDK for...
Each short code is specific to a single country. For example, you can't use a United States–based short code to send messages to recipients with Canadian phone numbers. In theHow do your customers opt to receive messages from you - optional, provide details about your opt–in process. ...
The request is typically specific to a single record in a particular table but they can be cross-referenced against one or more of the following tables: User or SalesRep Business Partner Order Invoice Payment Product Project Campaign Asset Shipments/Receipts RMAs Requests (to link related requests...
If a request does not have a name, DataGrip will use its position in the request file (such as#1) as the request name. If a request file contains multiple requests with the same name, DataGrip will append the request position number to each of the names. This will make each request n...
A regular expression specifies a type of logical expressions performed on strings. In a regular expression, you use certain predefined strings and a combination of these strings to form a rule string that is used to specify a specific filtering logic. Parentheses () indicate extraction and are us...
WhatisLetterofRequest AletterofrequestisaformaldocumentusedtorequestaspecificactionorinformationfromarecipientItisoftenusedinbusinessandlegalcontextstoinitiateatransactionorseeklegaladvice Theletterofrequestspecificallyincludesthepurposeoftherequest,theinformationoractionbeingrequested,andanyrelevantdetailsorinstructions The...
{ currency: 'USD', value: '15.00' } } ],+shippingOptions: [{+id: 'economy',+label: 'Economy Shipping',+amount: { currency: 'USD', value: '0.00' },+detail: 'Arrives in 3-5 days' // `detail` is specific to React Native Payments+}],total: { label: 'Merchant Name', amount:...
If a request does not have a name, IntelliJ IDEA will use its position in the request file (such as#1) as the request name. If a request file contains multiple requests with the same name, IntelliJ IDEA will append the request position number to each of the names. This will make each...
You can search for provisioned numbers in a specific area code using GET /dashboards/provisioning. If the phone number is already in use, a Bad Request exception will be thrown. Create or update a contact Creates or updates a contact (depending on whether one already exists with the ...
Praise him for specifics when he shows interest in other people: "You were so nice to let Roger talk about his little dog. I am proud of you." C. 2. Keep play short and sweet. Parents should keep early play dates short, so no one gets too fired and everyone has fun. Sch...