Government Compliance - Government reporting and agency interface - Unemployment claims management - Employment records management - Claims and audits - EEOC, DOL, FMLA, DFWP, FLSA Title VII, CRA '91, COBRA 8. Employment Administration - Payroll - Payroll taxes - Garnishments - Insurance ...
Any addendum to this RFP will become part of this RFP and part of any contract awarded as a result of this RFP. ALL RFP ADDENDA WILL BE ISSUED ON THE DIVISION OF PURCHASE AND PROPERTY WEB SITE. TO ACCESS ADDENDA, THE BIDDER MUST SELECT THE PROPOSAL NUMBER ON THE WEB PAGE AT http://...
Professional Services shall include an itemized cost breakdown to include, but not limited to, a range of fully-loaded hourly rates for each year of the base contract term (e.g. Year One; Year Two; and Year Three) Fully-loaded hourly rates include salary, overhead payroll burden and ...