Hence, many website owners serve a stripped down version of the website on mobile devices. limiting the full version for desktop and laptop computers. Advertisement If you ever need to access the full version of a website on iPhone, you can make use of “Request Desktop Site” option, as...
The option has changed fromRequest Desktop WebsitetoRequest Mobile Website. When a site does alter significantly, and when you do just quickly need to check a detail on one version or the other, then this is a fast and simple way to do it. Where it starts to get confusing is ...
Luckily, it is relatively easy to access the desktop version of a website on your smartphone. Below,Chinavasionwill take you through the simple steps on how to force iOS and Android phones to display desktop versions of web pages. In this article, we’ll cover the steps that need ...
Safari, the default browser in iOS, is doing a respectable job at providing Apple fans with a pretty good web-browsing experience. Though it's relatively feature-less when you put it next to an Android browser, Safari will certainly give each and every o
All of them switched to the desktop site. I also tried nasa.gov. It switched back and forth, but the desktop image on an iPhone is the same as the mobile image. That is a choice of the website designers. The ability to customize the display to the device is called “responsive ...
On iPad, thesame iconis just to the right of the Reload icon, in the top-right corner. Navigate to the same section within the menu, andtap Request Desktop Site. Further notes If you request the non-mobile version of a website, Safari will retain your preferences, and will ...
HINTERNET HttpOpenRequestA( [in] HINTERNET hConnect, [in] LPCSTR lpszVerb, [in] LPCSTR lpszObjectName, [in] LPCSTR lpszVersion, [in] LPCSTR lpszReferrer, [in] LPCSTR *lplpszAcceptTypes, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] DWORD_PTR dwContext ); 参数...
Desktop Flow Module (desktopflowmodule) Display String (DisplayString) DMS Sync Request (msdyn_dmssyncrequest) DMS Sync Status (msdyn_dmssyncstatus) Document Location (SharePointDocumentLocation) Document Suggestions (RecommendedDocument) Document Template (DocumentTemplate) Duplicate Detection Rule (D...
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HttpReceiveHttpRequest函数以同步或异步方式从指定的请求队列中检索下一个可用的 HTTP 请求。 语法 C++复制 HTTPAPI_LINKAGE ULONGHttpReceiveHttpRequest( [in] HANDLE RequestQueueHandle, [in] HTTP_REQUEST_ID RequestId, [in] ULONG Flags, [out] PHTTP_REQUEST RequestBuffer, [in] ULONG RequestBufferLength...