those efforts appear to be flagging. After record numbers of GOP women ran in 2020 and even more in 2022 (though their numbers were still well behind Democrats), 2024 saw a decline in the number of Republican women running, and the share...
“This lawsuit was filed after voting had already begun in North Carolina for the general election,” Gannon said in a statement. “The time to challenge the rules for voter eligibility is well before an election, not after votes have already been cast.” In Michigan, the relevant...
Four of the past six presidential electionshave been decided by less than a percentage point in Wisconsin. In 2020, President Joe Biden won by only about 21,000 votes -- a .56% margin; in 2016, Trump won with .77%. When are the other 2024 presidential debates scheduled? The second deb...
SAN fRANCISCO (CBS SF) -- The Republican National Convention kicked off Monday in Charlotte, North Carolina as the party formally nominated President Trump in a roll call. Mr. Trump received 2,550 delegates' votes, unanimously making him the party nominee. The RNC expected lineup includes first...
Trump also repeated false claims about his 2020 national election loss to Joe Biden. "I hope the cameras don't turn off because they hate this but we got millions and millions of more votes the second time, right," Trump said. "But we had Covid and they used Covid to ch...
"I don't think that any part of the election had democracy fulfilled," Sedasey said. "I mean, Trump didn't get the majority of votes, so how is that democracy, right?" While Sedasey's doubts in the system are different from those expressed at the Capitol last year, the effect i...
Tennessee GOP Votes to Affirm Eddie Mannis as House District 18 Primary Winner Potentially in Violation of State Law September 3, 2020Laura Baigert The Tennessee Republican Party State Executive Committee (SEC) in a meeting held via conference call Wednesday evening voted to affirm the August 6 ...
Newhouse ended up 15,000 votes behind conservative challenger Sessler in a heated, five-way primary in August — though Newhouse’s allies at the Republican Main Street Partnership thought they defeated a tougher prospective challenger, 2022 Senate nominee Tiffany Smil...
When Trump won the state in 2016, he became the first Republican to carry Wisconsin since 1984. But Joe Biden won it back in 2020 by just over 20,000 votes. In both elections, the state had been the tipping point in the Electoral College. Trump...
California Democrats have created the perfect storm with pre-voter registration for teenagers, and illegal aliens, felons, and inmates are now able to vote. San Francisco also now allows illegal aliens to vote in a local election. Remember how the city spent more than $300,000 to ...