The threshold for the second debate was higher than for the first. Candidates had to poll at 3% in two national polls or 3% in one national poll and 3% in one early state poll from two separate early-voting states — Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina. For the first deb...
Three top Grand Old Party (GOP) presidential candidates including Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are opposing the project saying that other states might welcome the billion-dollar project which should not be forced on Nevada. It also notes that the U.S. president Barack Obama ...
So now for the question you’ve been wondering about: Which Republicans meet our definition of a major candidate?How many major Republican presidential candidates are there? Whether Republican presidential candidates meet at least five of FiveThirtyEight’s nine criteria to be considered ...
including 200 donors in 20 or more states. The candidates must also reach 3% support in two national polls or reach 3% in one national poll and 3% in two polls conducted in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada or South Carolina, the four states that lead off the Republicanpresidential nominat...
These secretary of state candidates haveproposed some radical changesto election administration that could severely disrupt future elections. Some of them want to get rid ofvote-counting machinesand count every vote by hand, which would not only take longer but also be less accu...
What were the results of the Nevada primary? "None of these candidates" was the top vote-getter on Tuesday, with Haley coming in second. Former Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, who dropped out of the race well before the primary but were still on the b...
Turns out, the double haters went for Donald Trump. You probably heard a lot about them in this election — the voters who have unfavorable opinions of both candidates. About 8 percent of voters ended up fitting this category. And depending on the v...
six of the candidates, except Pence, across the finish line as each of them had received at least 1% in three national polls or 1% in two national polls and one early state poll from two separate "carve out" states recognized by the party: Iowa, New Hamps...
Thursday’s caucuses in Nevada came two days after the state held primaries where President Joe Biden dominated the Democratic contest and “none of these candidates” finished first for Republicans, ahead of Haley. This post has been updated with additional information about Trump’s projected vi...
Republican Senate Primary: Nevada CANDIDATEPERCENTVOTES Sam Brown Republican 60.2% 103,102 78,115 ahead Jeff Gunter Republican 14.6% 24,987 Jim Marchant Republican 6.5% 11,190 Tony Grady Republican 5.6% 9,565 None of these candidates Republican 4.2% 7,164 Bill Conrad Republican 3.5% 6,03...