The article discusses several Republican party members who have started to explore their options for the 2012 U.S. presidential elections. It notes that the Republican presidential campaigns are starting to heat ...
The race is also closer in a one-on-one matchup between Romney and Santorum. Romney now leads Santorum 47% to 42% when the other two candidates are removed. Romney led by 11 points last week. Five percent (5%) now prefer some other candidate in ...
Watch CBSN coverage during and after the debate11:17 p.m.Closing arguments in brief:Paul: I am the only fiscal conservative on the stage because I am the only one who wants to limit spending in all areas, including the military.Kasich: The conservative movement will send power, money and...
Republican presidential candidates gather in Houston Thursday night for their last debate before Super Tuesday. Follow U.S. News' live blog for up-to-the minute updates, analysis, reaction and more. By U.S. News Staff | Feb. 25, 2016, at 6:25 p.m. Save More Live: Republican Presiden...
The Intermittent YouTube Electoral Presence of Citizens and Candidates The study empirically and systematically examines the YouTube presence of candidates during the 2012 Republican presidential nomination campaign. The Internet broadcast yours elf world of YouTube offers some sharp contrasts to the televi...
It’s been five days since National Girls & Women in Sports Day and the two Democrat candidates for Virginia Attorney General have been silent about honoring new federal directives on Title IX and banning biological boys from competing against girls. Jay Jones and Shannon Taylor’s conspicuous abs...
New Canaan missed out on a chance to find an additional four years of relief from a state affordable housing law because the town wasn’t prepared, according to one Republican seeking party backing for the municipality’s highest elected office. The tow
There are also other candidates and would-be candidates, too. We've put the entire field into three categories — based roughly on their chances to capture the nod — along with full scouting reports for everything that could go right or wrong along the road to the 2024 convention in Milwa...
The political network in the 2012 Republican Primary was extremely complex, with numerous divisive issues and a general lack of agreement among candidates. It begs the question: How could the support bases of the original Republican candidates come to consensus and converge behind the candidate that...
Should any one of the Democrat candidates currently seeking its party nomination triumph in the 2020 US presidential election,it could have grave consequences for the US oil industry moving forward.All 17 of the current Democrat candidat... WRBD Group - Worldwide Refining Business Digest: The Fas...