印度2015年1月16日共和国日阅兵式完整版 (The 65th Republic Day Parade - 26th January 2014 - Live) 是在优酷播出的纪录片高清视频,于2015-01-26 22:31:30上线。视频内容简介:本着实事求是的精神搬运过来的,大家理性评判。可能真的是文化不同,感觉印度的阅兵跟狂欢节
We do have equal rights to share the walk and parade with joy, peace and harmony under bright sunshine as equal sojourners of the dream to be that small great social ambition as the brave new world and call to the rest of the world at large that ours is not just a day celebrating ...
India Pulls Out All the Stops for Obama at Republic Day Parade.With the Obamas watching, India puts on a grand Republic Day spectacle.IyengarRishiTime.com