also see the recently published Angola Reptile and Amphibian Atlas (Marques et al.2018). Other recent summaries can be found in introductions to regional herpetofaunas, e.g. Ceríaco et al. (2014a,2016a) and Conradie et al. (2016). To avoid duplication much will not ...
a live crocodile appeared on Roça Colónia Açoreana beach, in the southeastern part of São Tomé Island (Fig.19.1, 1). Other records of a large lizard seen in the Angra Toldo region, and said to be a crocodile, had previously surfaced on social...
Most small children can tell you that ‘reptiles’ are the snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and turtles (perhaps with the dinosaurs thrown in) — suggesting that it’s easy to tell the difference between reptiles and other animals. Unfortunately, evolutionary biologists struggle with the same task, ...
Hanser, that the devil gives you his blessing and lights your way?” said Sepp. “Then may God preserve you!” The honest man then turned to the fiery dragon. “Hi there! Wait a little until I find some cherries too!” The Alber ...
The species is found on the islands of Java and Bali in Indonesia and possibly in other areas. Some forms that were once considered to be subspecies of Draco volans have been moved to their own species, however, which can be confusing. The animal lives in the trees and catches insects to...
If you own an animal other than a dog, cat, or traditional farm animal, your species could be treated as injurious. If you have an animal interest business, this will likely affect you. Even business in domesticated agriculture species could be afflicted as shipments with any animal description...
A team of researchers at the University of Georgia has found a way to use the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing tool on reptiles. In their paper uploaded to the bioRxiv preprint server, the group describes the technique they developed and how well it worked on te
. Doing both should thwart even the most determined tortoise digger, but know that some tortoises, such as sulcatas, are world-class diggers, and very powerful ones, too. They can unearth entire underground sprinkler systems, so keep that in mind, too, when you’re deciding where to place...
However, we can guarantee that someone very experienced with amphibians will attempt to select the specific frog(s) you are requesting.Shipping Your African Clawed FrogWe will not ship Xenopus laevis to the states of Louisiana, California, Arizona, Utah, Kentucky, New Jersey, Montana, North ...
(76.2 centimeters) total length in captivity, a pair of adultacanthuruscan safely and comfortably be housed in terraria measuring 24 by 36 inches (.60 meter by .10 meter). Of course, any monitor would benefit from a larger enclosure, especially a species as active and curious asacanthurus. ...