(Biology) a haploid germ cell, such as a spermatozoon or ovum, that fuses with another germ cell during fertilization [C19: from New Latin, from Greekgametēwife, fromgamosmarriage] gaˈmetal,gameticadj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins...
6.1Leydig cell hypoplasia The human LHCGR plays a fundamental role in male and female reproductive physiology. In male embryogenesis, both hCG and LH promote the differentiation of external genitalia. After puberty, LH induces secondary sexual features. Inactivating mutations of theLHCGRgene in 46,XY...
cell bodies of FaRPergic neurons were also observed close to the uterus opening. Four to six FaRPergic cell bodies marked the region surrounding the pre-terminal complex. FaRPs-IP neurites located around the opening of the ovary and a large FaRPs-IP cell located proximal to the ootype were ...
美 英 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 生殖细胞
Sexual Reproduction - Human Reproductive System, Male and Female Reproductive System, Gametogenesis, Menstrual Cycle, Fertilisation.
the egg cell is called a secondary oocyte. The haploid secondary oocyte will only complete the second meiotic stage if it encounters a sperm cell. Once fertilization is initiated, the secondary oocyte completes meiosis II and becomes an ovum. The ovum fuses with the sperm cell and fertilization...
OVUMHUMAN embryosSPERMATOZOACHEMICAL processesFERTILIZATION in vitroEMBRYO transferRecent studies have shifted the spotlight from adult disease to gametogenesis and embryo developmental events, and these are greatly affected by various environmental chemicals, such as drugs, metabolites, pollutants, and others....
(GIFT) and intra-uterine insemination (IUI)2, through fertilization of gametes in vitro with culturing (in vitro fertilization, IVF), to the more recent direct injection of a sperm into an ovum (intracytoplasmic sperm injection, ICSI), followed by culturing, with or without subsequent embryo ...
Mechanisms of oxidative stress-induced cell damage. Full size image 1.2 Reactive oxygen species The three major types of ROS are: superoxide (O2•-), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hydroxyl (OH•). The superoxide radical is formed when electrons leak from the electron transport chain [5]. The...
Fig. 4. Women’s Reproductive System as Balanced Estradiol and Progesterone Actions. This model compares the fundamental, complementary and counterbalancing effects of estradiol and progesterone at the cell and tissue levels in which estradiol causes cell growth and proliferation while progesterone causes...