Functions of the Placenta As a place of exchange of materials between mother and the foetus For secreting hormones Adaptations of the Placenta Finger-like villi to increase the surface area for efficient diffusion Maternal blood and foetal blood flows in opposite direction to speed up diffusion of ...
Continue Learning Chemical Changes Energy And Work Done Transfer Of Heat Energy And Its Effects Interactions Within Ecosystems Electrical Systems Transport System In Living Things Interactions Through The Application Of Forces Human Sexual Reproductive System Acids And AlkalisShare...
A DNA-containing body, located in the cells of most living things, that holds most of the organism's genes.DIPLOID: A term for a cell that has the basic number of doubled chromosomes.EGG CELL: A female gamete.EMBRYO: The stage of animal development in the uterus before the animal is ...
Step-by-Step Solution:1. Understanding Reproduction: Reproduction is the biological process through which living organisms produce offspring. It is a fundamental characteristic of all living things.2.
In both ways, new offsprings are made although the processes are distinctively different. Offspring in biology is the young organism produced by its parent organism. An offspring can be a product of sexual reproduction or asexual reproduction. How do living things reproduce? Which of these ...
Lion - Reproduction, Life Cycle: Lions are polygamous and breed throughout the year. Cubs mature at three or four years of age, and as adults either join a pride or become nomads. Lions probably evolved in Africa, then spread out to other continents; mos
All living things have instincts, which are natural patterns of behavior. For example, when a baby is born, it automatically has an instinct to drink milk from its mother. Another natural instinct that we are born with is the instinct to reproduce, or make babies (also known as offspring...
How do living things multiply? A living thing is capable of reproducing. There are two ways by which living things can reproduce copies of themselves:sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. In sexual reproduction, male and female sex cells of the two parents unite and form a zygote that ...
The Chromosome Number in Sexual Reproduction Each reproductive cell or gamete (sperm and egg) has one set of chromosomes (n). When they fuse to form a zygote, they make a cell with two sets of chromosomes (2n). Egg Cells Control What Sperms May Fertilize Them In each species (kind) of...
Reproduction When organisms (living things) produce more of their own kind. Required for the survival of the SPECIES There are 2 types of reproduction: I. Asexual Reproduction Does NOT involve the union of sex cells Only 1 parent Offspring is genetically IDENTICAL to the parent Ex: binary fissi...