Deals with some case reports from World War II veterans which provide evidence for the existence of repressed and recovered memories. Overview of an article by B.P. Karon and A.J. Widener on World War II combat neuroses; Concept of repression; Procedures used to recover repressed memory; ...
recovered memory therapyrepressionAmong the most controversial topics in modern psychology has been that of whether memories of traumatic life events can be repressed, pushed out of conscious awareness and inaccessible to the victim for long periods of time but nevertheless be "recovered" and ...
There may be a few stressful events that trigger the breakdown, but in other cases it may be a result of poor self-care. Regardless of the cause of your high stress and/or nervous breakdown, you may notice that memories may become repressed as a result of the fight-or-flight response ...
Four groups of participants were asked to color name positive words, neutral words, and trauma words; these groups included 15 women who believed that they harbored repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse (CSA), 13 women who reported recovered memories of CSA, 15 women who had never ...
The debate over repressed memories of sexual abuse has been conducted in the popular press and the public imagination as well as in the professional literature of feminist psychotherapy, contemporary psychoanalysis and cognitive science. At issue are prescriptive questions concerning the status of recollec...
Largely on the basis of Franklin-Lipsker’s memory of the crime, Franklin was convicted of first-degree murder in 1990 and sentenced to life in prison with possibility of parole. It was the first time that repressed memory testimony was used to convict someone of a crime. Such memories have...
The data revealed that mainstream psychotherapists and clinical psychologists are more skeptical about recovered memories and more cautious about trying to recover repressed memories than they were 20 years ago. But, there was still a clear gap between clinicians and researchers: Roughly 60-80% of ...
Women with repressed or recovered memories have raised levels of dissociative symptoms. There are two interpretations of this. One emphasizes the defensive function of dissociation, while the other emphasizes the overlap between dissociation and fantasy proneness. This study aimed to investigate these two...
The Myth of Repressed Memory@@@Making Monsters: False Memories, Psychotherapy, and Sexual Hysteria@@@Victims of Memory: Incest Accusations and Shattered Lives@@@Return of the Furies: An Investigation into Recovered Memory Therapy Includes bibliographical references (p. [270]-283) and index. Joseph...
L. (2001). Directed forgetting of trauma cues in adults reporting repressed or recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 110, 151-156. :Directed forgetting of trauma cues in adults reporting repressed or recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse. McNally R J...