MASS media & teenagersMASS mediaTELEVISION viewingECLECTICISMSOCIAL backgroundETHNICITYYoung people are an elusive and exciting audience and user of all media. They are both the most desirable yet indefinable set of groups and individuals who must be attracted, intrigued and held in thrall if media ...
Despite sexual imperatives and social norms marginalizing non-sexualities–referred to ascompulsory sexuality–, representations of sexually inexperienced emerging adults (SIEA) in works of fiction have been overlooked. The goal of this research was to document media representations of SIEA in popular fi...
Youth, leisure, and voyeurism in MTV's Undressed. The conception of teenagers as free from these responsibilities accounts for much of the romanticization of this phase of life, both in popular media representations and in much academic work where scholars locate forms of "resistance" ... J ...
Brands are ubiquitous for the last years, they are present in almost every space on the web and especially in social computing, social networks, and social media. Their presence is linked to different aims and accompanied by comments. Mainly, the professional point of view focuses on the idea ...
TEENAGERS' conduct of lifeWIRELESS communicationsThe article discusses the concept of youth sexting, which includes the transmission of nude or semi-nude images via an electronic device and also sexually explicit text messages. Recent research has revealed that young internet users between the a...
This paper examines the representations of 'mixed-race' children in Japanese cinema. In particular, it focuses on the films made from the 1950s to the 1970s that feature mixed-race children and teenagers who were born between Japanese women and US military servicemen during American occupation ...
Many studies have examined representations of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in the U.S. media. Yet they have centered on portrayals of adults or teenagers. This investigation considered a potential LGBT population that has been neglected in media research, namely gender-...
teenagers , teen series , sexuality , representations , gender stereotypesEconomic and demographic trends have turned young people into a target audience, and media producers and the marketing industry have realized that the contemporary teenage market has substantial potential. Television is still the ...
It seems thus that their representations are framed by an everyday life discourse and in part by a school-based literacy discourse. The analysis highlights the strong presence of global forms of popular culture and media in teenagers' English literacy practices and the high priority attached to ...
While both films ought to be celebrated for their portrayal of positive environments for closeted teenagers to come out into, they simultaneously deliver narratives which should be further investigated by rhetoricians and media theorists. This essay invites scholars to interrogate gay teenage coming-of-...