There is a substantial academic literature addressing the representation of women in British politics. The majority of recent work focuses on issues of demand (such as gender quotas) and issues affecting the supply of women candidates have been largely overlooked. However, more recently the use of...
the economic crisis on women, the low level of representation of women in politics, the need for further progress in attaining [...] 比例较低、需要在各级教育取得两 性平 等 方面 取得更大进展、以及需要缩小男 女之间在工资和就业机会方面的差距。 ...
politicsgendergovernanceelectionAlthough at the beginning of the 21st century, over 95 percent of all countries in the world have granted women the right to vote and the right to stand for election (Ballington & Karam, 2005), gender equality in terms of representation in political structures ...
妇女在政治和公共生活中的平等参与和领导对于到 2030 年实现可持续发展目标 至关重要 。然而,数据显示,女性在全球各级决策层的代表性不足,实现政治生活中的性别平等还很遥远。 担任政府行政职务的妇女 截至2023 年 1 月 1 日,有 31 个国家有 34 名女性担任国家元首和/或政府首脑。按照目前的速度,最高权力职位...
While the past decade has seen the expansion of women's suffrage and a doubling of the number of women elected to office region-wide, the level of women's political and civic engagement in the MENA region continues to be the lowest in the world. MEPI supports projects to increase the leve...
与更权威的领导相比,女性更有可能使用这种领导形式,从而使她们更有效地影响他人。同理心还需要思想开放和理解不同的观点。这促进了思想的交流,并提供了对事物的全新视角。由此,识别出有效的问题解决方案。 4. 女性是更好的沟通者 女性擅长在日常生活中进行沟通和协作。女性被认为在工作场所以亲密和联系的方式进行交...
In this research note, I introduce a new concept for examining women's political representation. This concept deals with women's representation both in parliaments and governments. I name the new concept "women's representation in national politics." The empirical results of this study demonstrate...
As a result, research on the dynamics of female participation in the political (i.e., electoral) realm had been scarce and our knowledge continues to be limited. Only a few studies tackled the issue of women’s presence in formal politics (i.e., legislatures), and they mostly have ...
One of the important factors in Japan that need the attention is gender representation in political process. The cultural amplification of gender differences has assorted over. If one goes through history, then it is evident that in Japan the situation of women in Japan was quite better than ...
in 2010 across politics, business, voluntary and media sectors of UK society found that women were “seriously under-represented in all forms of leadership positions” ([31]: 8). A different survey in 2013 revealed a similar conclusion with regards to minority representation[32]. Pulido ([97]...