Finally, whatever the form of artistic expression---drama or painting---woman is only in the works, the manifestation of aesthetic reflection that is also a philosophical reflection, situated at the crossroads between the Ego and the Other, from which the work originates.;Keywords: "fin-de-...
La femme, ce troisième sexe. Défloration, excision et sexuation. Psychanalyse YETU. 2022;50:17–27. 36. Foucault M. Histoire de la sexualité IV. Paris: Gallimard; 2018. 37. Freitag JL. Daddy's little girl: a provacative feminist critique of purity balls. Kaléidoscope Grad J Qual ...
Art history Opposing la cherette and la femme fatale| Toulouse-Lautrec's representation of the fin-de-siecle female performer UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI - KANSAS CITY Frances S. Connelly BarnesGenevieve LoreneAn exception to these stereotypical modes of representation can be seen in the work of Henri ...
even moral, purity of virginity and of the acts associated, to varying degrees, with defloration. It’s also about describing the fetishization and thus objectification (idealization, valorization/de-valorization) of certain bodily objects or behaviors, and the extent to which they attract the...
[64] need, automatpirnegsetnhteesde apnroicnetussietisvecavnirhtuealpl isnitgenrfiaficceanctalpya. bTlaebolef d3issphloawyisngtoeonlsertghyatpherafvoermance results directly on the built environment. This new way of visualizing metrics in "near real-time" could make it easier to interpret ...