If you want to report abuse activities, such as malware traffic, phishing websites, infringing or illegal content, or if you are a government official seeking assistance in a case, we encourage you to do so in the manner described below. Reporting To report abuse, please follow these steps:...
3) Nobody is preventing you to configureyour computerin any way you want, for any of your subjectve pursuits. Nobody is preventing you to install any software to block any kind of content in your computer. Nobody is preventing you from closing your account with youtube or any website f...
Deleted files, photos, posts, videos, accounts from all websites and platforms included social networks, forums, messengers, related websites. 1 Minute Minimal removal time for urgent removal requests Delist illegal/copyright infringing content from Google search results ...
Fixed: PHP warning: Illegal character causing Mark Complete button to not be displayed on sites running PHP 7.3 if the post-level Mark Complete option was not set 3.3.6 Updated: Improved z-index compatibility of statistics container overlay with other document elements Updated: Removed deprecated J...
Smishing is a type of fraud that uses mobile phone text messages to lure victims into calling back on a fraudulent phone number, visiting fraudulent websites or downloading malicious content via phone or web. 10. Sexting Sexting is an act of sending sexually explicit digital images, videos, tex...
We also use optional cookies for advertising, personalisation of content, usage analysis, and social media. By accepting optional cookies, you consent to the processing of your personal data - including transfers to third parties. Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with...
Retaliation against anyone who in good faith reports a concern to ABB about illegal or unethical conduct is not tolerated. Any employee or contractor who is found to have engaged in retaliatory conduct or the abuse of reporting processes will be subject to disciplinary action. ...
Report abuse originating from Microsoft-hosted sites or services, including cyber attacks, malicious network activity, distribution of illegal content or generally violatingMicrosoft's Terms of Use. IP Address threats IP Address - Brute Force
Whistleblower– an individual, listed in sec.5 below, reporting a Breach in the context relating to the work (with the meaning attributed in §3 sec. 2 of the Policy). 4. Breach Report may be submitted by any person who has become aware of the Breach or Illegal content as part of th...
“1”). This first step was conducted through an analysis of the companies’ websites, the interrogation of online databases concerned with sustainability disclosure and, ultimately, a free search using popular web search engines. Through this process, it was possible to identify the set of 49 ...