Examples:He apologized for being late. She insisted on doing the washing up. verb +object+infinitive verb +infinitive verb +(that) verb +gerund verb +object+preposition+gerund verb +preposition+gerund The teacherexplainedthe rulesto the children. She explainedthatshe was going to stay with her ...
1、Reporting verbsverb + object + infinitive verb + infinitive verb + (that) verb + gerund verb + object + preposition + gerund verb + preposition + gerund advise encourageinviteremindwarn agreedecideofferpromiserefusethreaten admitagreedecidedenyexplaininsistpromiserecommendsuggest denyrecommendsugges 2...
Other examples of reporting verbs includedescribe, show, reveal, note, indicate, report,andassume.Some informal verbs likecome up withandguessare not recommended in formal writing. Usage of Reporting Verbs Reporting verbs follow specific patterns for their sentence structure. For instance,sayuses the ...
These verbs can be used with +ing or with that, but it’s generally better to be concise and use the +ing verb. Short and sweet! Examples: They denied taking the last biscuit. (short) (or) They denied that they had taken the last biscuit. (long) She admitted stealing the money. ...
Other verbs used with reported speech include 'mention' and 'comment'. Here are some examples: Tom mentioned he enjoyed playing tennis. Alice mentioned she could take care of the kids this weekend. The teacher commented the students weren't getting their homework done on time. ...
Care needs to be taken to ensure that these verbs are used appropriately – consult your dictionary for the meaning and usage if you are not sure. Examples:1 Stein-Parbury (2000) defines listening as the ability to hear, understand, and appreciate a patient’s experience.2 De Cieri et ...
Thispaperisorganizedintofourmainsections:anoverviewofreportingverbs,thedifferenttypesofreportingverbs,factorsinfluencingreportingverbchoices,andguidelinesforappropriatereportingverbusageincitations VS Eachsectionprovidesdetailedinformationandexamplestoillustratethekeypointsdiscussed 02 ClassificationofQuotingVerbs Descriptiveverbs...
To make the verbs that we have reported negative, we need to look at the verb pattern: When there's a clause, we make the negative in the usual way: She said that shedidn't likeice cream. When there's 'to + infinitive', we generally put 'not' before 'to': He promisednot to ...
English.ReportingVerbscanindicateeither ▶theauthor’spersonalviewpoint ▶yourviewpointregardingwhattheauthorsays, ▶ortheauthor’sviewpointregardingotherliterature Herearesomeexamples: Nualnetr2(1996)pointsoutthegapbetweenwhatiswidelyknown andwhatisstillconjectureinthephysiology(生理学)ofaging.She ...
Learn about different verbs used to report speech in English grammar. Clear and simple explanation of meaning and use, with examples.