See all reported speech exercises here DO YOU WANT TO MASTER eNGLISH GRAMMAR? Your logical way to teach is very easy to understand. - Lyudmila This is the best-structured and the most clear course I've ever seen. - Oksana It was easy to learn - you explained it perfectly. ...
Reporting verbs: Exercises Exercise 1Choose between say vs. tell to fill the gap in each sentence. Why didn’t you ___ me that you don’t eat meat? a) say. b) tell I didn’t ___ anything to you, because I was too worried. a) tell. b) say We ___ them to meet us in...
Before the class: Decide on 8 sentences using a variety of reporting verbs you’d like your students to translate. You can use Tekhnologic’stemplateor create your own. Write the sentences in the spaces provided. Print as many copies as you need and cut along the dotted lines. Each group...
This section looks at what reporting verbs are, then looks at the strength and grammar of reporting verbs. Finally, there is a table which lists some of the most common reporting verbs, giving meaning, strength and usage. At the end there are some exercises to help you practice. What are...
This lesson helps students to improve their paraphrasing skills. The guided learning approach includes a text analysis activity where students identify the paraphrasing strategies, five sentence-level tasks to practise the strategies and two paragraph-level exercises to build on the previous tasks..Level...
Reporting Introduction Therearetwomainwaysofreportingpeople’swords,thoughts,beliefs,etc.▪DirectSpeech▪IndirectSpeech DirectSpeech Wecangivetheexactwords(moreorless)thatweresaid,orthatweimaginewerethought.▪Didshesay,“Whatdoyouwant?”▪AndthenIthought,“Well,doeshereallymeanit?”IndirectSpeech Wecan...
◂ Reporting a simultaneous event in the passive voice ▴Passive voice with reporting verbs Causative structures ▸ Rate this page up 661 users like this page. Related topics The forms of the infinitiveE-book For timeline diagrams, quotes and exercises, check out our e-book The Grammaring...
Look at the line graph carefully first and then do the following exercises. A. Mark the following places in the graph. a) The bottom of the line; b) The peak of the line; c) The fluctuating part. B. Describe thegrowth rate ofFord car productionin thefollowingmonths respectively. Try to...
20 100% Table Y: Teaching Language(s) Used by English Teachers in Class Academic Writing Course /Graphs/TabGraphMain.html * * * Academic Writing Course Contents Presentation of Data 1 Elements in Results Section 2 Graphic Description 3 Comparison and Contrast 4 Exercises 5 How to present data...
34、 of Ford car productionreDmecau raJQEevR roDotto reDmerpe tsuQMWA vruj enujxaI - JA hp血 vraurDBT VTSUnaJLook at the line graph carefully first and then do the following exercises.A. Mark the follow ing places in the graph.a) The bottom of the line;b) The peak of the line...