Indicators can show trends by using directional images such as arrows; ratings by using incremental icons such as stars; and states by using images such as traffic lights or check marks. Indicators are available in Report Builder 3.0 and Report Designer. For more information, see Indicators (Repo...
When the project managers use traffic lights to convey the project status to stakeholders, the reporting format is known as “RAG status reporting.” RAG stands for red, amber, and green. These colors indicate the project status. A red light indicates problems, an amber traffic light indicates ...
To verify that TS Per User CAL tracking and reporting is configured and working properly, do the following: Use Review Configuration in TS Licensing Manager. Create a report by using TS Licensing Manager. To perform these tasks, refer to the following sections. ...
makers, one of whom complained, “Why do I need to look at all these moon phases and traffic lights? How do all these indicators relate to our business? What I need to know is whether our top assets are protected, and what I should do if they are not.”...
To verify that RDS Per User CAL tracking and reporting is configured and working properly, do the following:Use Review Configuration in Remote Desktop Licensing Manager. Create a report by using Remote Desktop Licensing Manager.To perform these tasks, refer to the following sections....
Since the device and the Sdr dongle drains much power from the phone battery, it is recommended to use the phone charger or a power bank. You will need an OTG power cable. It is not easy to find a working cable, maybe you can do it yourself. The reception quality of the IGate depen...
Street Lights All / Out Traffic Signal Out Make a request now. You can also make a request for one of these service types using a free, third-party app: SeeClickFix– Think of this website as an EveryBlock for making service requests and tracking others in your area. You ...
For example, when an occupancy sensor detects an office space is not in use, the platform can automatically shut off the lights to reduce lighting usage, turn down the outdoor air rate to minimize HVAC operation, and close shades to reduce the solar heat gain. The platform can also provide...
The term “day” is any day or date whatsoever and can mean any period of time having a 24-hour duration including but not limited to a calendar day, a working day, a day of week, a day of month, a day of year, any holiday, e.g. Valentine's day, New Year's Eve, New Year...
orientation does indicate a danger factor within the single image, the danger factor is not outside of the driver's field of view; therefore, it can be assessed that, e.g., the driver is focusing on the traffic signal which has three traffic lights (safe driving of the vehicle by the ...