Recently, a resident at one of the nation's leading hospitals diagnosed dark-field positive, primary syphilis in a young man. Immediately after the diagnosis was made, the doctor telephoned his local health department to report the case and request epidemiologic assistance. The patient was interview...
From measles to syphilis to mpox — Be prepared for any public health crisis. Improving the diagnostic process is not only possible, but it also represents a moral, professional, and public health imperative. -Institute of Medicine, 2015
data repositories and surveillance reports of public health and/or governmental agencies using the country name, and ‘gonorr*’ or ‘sexually transmitted’ and ‘disease’ or ‘infection’ to identify data sources and provide context to prevalence estimates. We reviewed...
Sensitivity should be determined by using ≥ 5 dilutions of a positive control sample that are expected to span the assay cut point in both the screening and confirmatory tiers. For those dilutions spanning the cut point, dilution steps should be small (2- or threefold) to increase the ...