In addition, reporting requirements would only apply if at least one of the new owners of residential real property is a Transferee Trust or Transferee Entity (whether domestic or foreign).10Transferee Trusts are broadly defined to include any legal arrangement created when a person places as...
For the purposes of this report, our portfolio in Hong Kong comprises primarily Grade-A office, retail, hotel59, and residential properties located throughout our portfolio. These include Citygate, Cityplaza, Pacific Place, and Taikoo Place. Our Chinese Mainland portfolio comprises major commercial mi...
For the sale of raw land, gains or losses must be reported on Form 8949, with the results transferred to Schedule D. If the property has been owned for less than a year, the sale is reported as a short-term gain or loss, while ownership of a year or more qualifies it as a long-...
This functionality allows for the creation and pre-positioning of a portfolio in preparation for a securitisation, covered bond, pledging to a central bank, portfolio sale, or Significant Risk Transfer transactions and for the management reporting during the lifecycle of such a transaction. Specific ...
Our Business Our Business About Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited Publicly listed in Hong Kong since 1972, Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited is today one of the largest property companies in Hong Kong specializing in the development of premium quality residential projects, offices and shopping centres. ...
1) to employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud, or 2) to obtain money or property by means of any untrue statement of a material fact or any omission to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made ... not misleading” during the offer or sale of ...
Tennessee Land. These buyers are often able to close transactions faster than traditional buyers who rely on financing. Investors may be interested in various types of land, including residential, commercial, or agricultural, making it essential for sellers to market their property to a diverse ...
Typical types of private crossings include farm crossings, industrial plant crossings, and residential access crossings. ``Public crossing'' would be defined to mean a highway-rail crossing where the roadway is under the jurisdiction of and maintained by a public authority and open to public ...
Alkali bypass means a duct between the feed end of the kiln and the preheater tower through which a portion of the kiln exit gas stream is withdrawn and quickly cooled by air or water to avoid excessive buildup of alkali, chloride and/or sulfur on the raw feed. This may also be referre...
An integrated commercial and residential property developer,ownerand operatorfocusing on developing projects in Jiangsu and Hunan provinces of China合型商業及住宅地產開發企業、持有者及營運商,集中開發中國江蘇省和湖南省的項目 Date of prospectus股書日期 ...