COREQ (COnsolidated criteria for REporting Qualitative research) Checklist A checklist of items that should be included in reports of qualitative research. You must report the page number in your manuscript where you consider each of the items listed in this checklist. If you have not included ...
Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups 机译:报告定性研究的综合标准(COREQ):32个项目清单,用于访谈和焦点小组 获取原文 获取原文并翻译|示例 获取外文期刊封面目录资料 开具论文收录证明 >> ...
reporting guideline checklist例子(一)reporting guideline checklist例子(一) Reporting Guideline Checklist例子 在科研写作中,遵循报告指南是非常重要的,它可以帮助作者更规范地呈现研究成果。下面是一些Reporting Guideline Checklist的例子,它们能够提供一个清晰的结构,以确保文献的质量和透明度。 1. CONSORT (...
Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groxups We grouped all items into three domains: (i) research team and reflexivity, (ii) study design and (iii) data analysis and reporting. The criteria included in COREQ, a 32-item...
Tong A, Sainsbury P, Craig J (2007) Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups. Int J Qual Health Care 19(6):349-357Tong A, Sainsbury P, Craig J. Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): a ...
The checklist is known as the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Studies (COREQ) (1). Although many qualitative research methods are used to understand complex meanings and interpretations of health, disease or interventions, the COREQ guideline's focus is targeted on the reporting of ...
Consolidatedcriteriaforreporting qualitativeresearch(COREQ):a32-item checklistforinterviewsandfocusgroups ALLISONTONG 1,2 ,PETERSAINSBURY 1,3 ANDJONATHANCRAIG 1,2 1 SchoolofPublicHealth,UniversityofSydney,NSW2006,Australia, 2 CentreforKidneyResearch,TheChildren’sHospitalatWestmead, NSW2145,Australia,and 3...
Critiques of qualitative checklists include the potential for inflexibility if too rigidly applied in the editorial and peer review process, and the implied expectation that all items on a checklist should be addressed. Inappropriate or misinformed critiques of qualitative work have been noted in the ...
Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups. Int J Qual Health Care. 2007;19(6):349–57. Article Google Scholar Creswell J, Plano C. Designing and conducting mixed method research. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage; 2011....
In this article we introduce the Cognitive Interviewing Reporting Framework (CIRF), which applies a checklist approach, and which is based on several existing checklists for reviewing and reporting qualitative research. We propose that researchers apply the CIRF in order to test its usability and to...