The article focuses on the indifferent reporting of notifiable diseases including babesiosis, dysentery, and Q fever by physicians and other health workers in Canada. It states that physicians and other health workers in Canada are legally compelled to report cases of specified communicable diseases ...
To better understand the level of completeness in provider reporting, we examined key data elements across 7 notifiable diseases reported to a local health department. We found that some fields are incomplete more than half the time and provider demographics are frequently missing. We discuss the ...
Presents history of policies taken up by national, state and territorial health authorities during 1878 to 1994 regarding notifiable diseases. Role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the policy making; Information about notifiable diseases reported ...
Version CMR-DMV, only for reporting to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) conditions which may impair a person's ability to operate a motor vehicle safely(10/2019) It is important that you report notifiable diseases/conditions to the countywhere the patient residesso that appropriate follow...
sexuallytransmitteddiseases , andinfec- tiousrespiratorydiseasesarethestressinthepreventionandcontrolofinfectiousdisease , managementshouldbein- tensified. [ Keywords ] generalhospital ; infectiousdisease ; diseasereport ; epidemic ; notifiableinfectiousdisease [ ChinInfectControl , 2014 , 13 ( 7 ): 431-43...
Health Institute of Zenica-Doboj Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina2, Cantonal hospital Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina3, Faculty of pharmacy, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina4 Goal: Reporting on infectious diseases is one of the most important measures for controlling the infectious diseases. ...
Conclusions Although the majority of physicians surveyed were knowledgeable of and had reported notifiable diseases, they identified many perceived obstacles to reporting. In order to effectively identify human AI cases and other infectious diseases through IDSR, reporting system requirements need to be ...
Objective The study was conducted to analyze the quality of the network reporting of notifiable infectious diseases in Shixing County from 2004 to 2006 for the exploration of more scientific approaches of management. 方法采用描述性分析方法,对当地近3年的传染病网络报告质量进行分析。 更多例句>> 3...
2.Supervision and evaluation of the project of the computer equipment for direct network report in the Western China;中国西部地区网络直报计算机装备项目的督导与评估 3.Quality evaluation on direct network report of notifiable infectious diseases in Liaoning Province in 2005;2005年辽宁省法定传染病疫情网络...
8.Influence of Information Technique Used for Reporting in Hospital:An Evaluation of Reporting Quality of Infectious Diseases医院传染病报告信息化对疫情报告质量影响的评价分析 9.Investigation on Report Quality of Notifiable Disease in Medical Institutions of Ankang City in 2008某市医疗机构法定报告传染病报告...