Since our interest lay with establishing the prevalence of congruence errors, and because all these errors were checked multiple times, we are confident that our own coding errors have no bearing on our main findings. If anything, any additional error on our part will have led to an ...
They also used multiple linear regression to evaluate predictive models, using R2 as an ES estimator but without further interpretation. The authors reported data plots and provided their opinion regarding the magnitude of the observed increment. For instance, they stated, “Data plots also ...
with one value, multiple records, where one transaction is recorded by the system as two double records with two different values. This system would contain two records, the first being the classic one known from the recording of economic events in Dr.-Cr., and the second part of the ...
3.4. Methodological Approach: Panel Regression Model This study employs three panel methodologies to examine the relationship between ESG and financial reporting quality: pooled OLS, RE, and FE models. Consider the multiple linear regression model for firm 𝑖=1,…,𝑁i=1,…,N, which is observ...
3.4. Methodological Approach: Panel Regression Model This study employs three panel methodologies to examine the relationship between ESG and financial reporting quality: pooled OLS, RE, and FE models. Consider the multiple linear regression model for firm 𝑖=1,…,𝑁i=1,…,N, which is observ...
This project employed a Structural Additive Regression (STAR) model [25]. This model’s structure allows the inclusion of both linear and non-linear predictor effects, increasing the model’s flexibility. The STAR model can also include a spatial spline factor to account for spatial autocorrelation...
Gradient Boosting is an ensemble learning method for classification and regression problems in machine learning. It combines multiple weak models (often decision trees) to form a strong model that can make accurate predictions [30]. It builds trees one at a time, with each tree trying to correct...
We also performed a classical CPH multiple regression (using lifelines v0.25.11 [50]), which yielded HRs for each feature in the model. Additionally, we used eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGB, using xgboost v1.3.3) as a representative ML technique for survival analysis [14]. We chose this ...
Statistical analysis of multiple weather charts found that weather reports often appeared in the blank area in the lower part or far margin. However, obtaining the exact location pattern is challenging, and the overall direction of inclination of the text remains uncertain. Lacking the mapping princi...
Multivariable linear regression models with bootstrap estimation to manage non-normality determined freedom of the press associated with lethality rate. Freedom of the press was significantly correlated with fatal and total occupational injury rate and lethality rate of occupational injuries. Adjusting for ...