You can report potential fraud in all federal health care programs, including Medicare, Medicaid & SCHIP, to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General. Website ...
Measure would reward reporting of Medicaid fraudCandice Choi
The requirements in this rule are meant to ensure compliance with applicable statutes, promote the furnishing of high quality care, and to protect the Medicare Trust Funds against fraud and improper payments. This rule provides needed clarity and consistency in the reporting and returning of self-...
The tool helps improve Sunshine Act reporting compliance by catching non-compliant items before they are submitted or reimbursed. It also helpsdetect fraud fasterand at alower costthan manual audits, reducing total expense management spend by 2-5%. And finally, itimproves compliance, reducing related...
whistleblower system accommodates 33 concerns reported through GN's whistleblower system 11 of the reported cases were considered substantial Reported cases were mainly related to harassment, bullying, inappropriate behavior, conflicts of interest, fraud, violation of confidentiality, and misappropriation of...
Government Accountability Office which concludes that additional reporting may help the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) oversee prescription-drug fraud controls. Topics include the potential controls that are not included in CMS' reporting requirements, background to the Medication ...