Dangerous driving events may be reported by detecting an occurrence of a dangerous event relating to the operation of a vehicle. A notification message of the dangerous event may be generated involving a time of occurrence of the dangerous event, a location of the dangerous event, and an event...
"The price of bread has been a driving force of political instability, and triggered the Arab Spring. The Maghreb countries – Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya and Algeria, which rely heavily on wheat – could be worst-affected by the tightening of supplies and an increase in prices," Smith ...
or worse, to ourselves or someone else due to mistakes we’ve made. However, in situations like driving a car, accidents can be much more dangerous and even fatal. For instance, a short while ago in China, a driver crashed a test car of the AITO M5 into a ...
This generally means it was determined that the driver did not follow the defensive driving principles of the USPL Driving Safety Training, that could have prevented the accident, regardless of whether the driver was or was not issued any citations. Vehicle Rollover— A vehicle accident ...
some things are hard for staff, and making them easier to do” ([47], p. 195). While in this study, GIM was asked to participate in the introduction of the IRS, their contribution was driven by the corporate project. In contrast, OBS had a far more active role in driving how the ...
A soldier operates in dangerous situations where the ability to hear and communicate clearly is crucial. Our knowledge of hearing aids, and the negative effects of hearing loss, impacts everything FalCom develops. FalCom in-ear and over-ear headsets allow users to operate in high-noise ...
For the affected driver, identifying a tailgating vehicle while driving is difficult, especially when the affected driver must focus on mitigating the dangerous situation. Providing a means to identify the tailgater and record his/her actions would be advantageous to the affected driver. In this ...
While we would like to think people have a firm understanding of how and when to post online, they don’t. And that lack of knowledge is dangerous in the workplace. One wrong picture, post or co[...] Read More Experience | Strategy | Tactics | Social Media | Campaign Development | ...
I didn’t know what business he might have. I mostly just saw him driving around or hammering stakes into his yard or bringing back shopping bags full of inflatable balls. It was all he seemed to buy. “COULD I IMPOSE UPON YOUR KINDNESS MR. POFFO TO, UPON OCCASION, GLANCE AT MY HOMES...
The present invention has been made in an effort to provide a method of self-calling and emergency reporting by setting a time in a mobile terminal having advantages of allowing a user of a mobile terminal, who is in a dangerous situation during a pre-set period of time, to operate the ...