Just when students think they’ve mastered all the English tenses, along comes Reported Speech, putting their logic and grammatical knowledge to the ultimate test. And while some may find it straightforward, many learners do not. This handy homework sheet helps students to practise Reported Speech ...
Before beginning the activity,spend some time in class going over the general rules of reported speechwith your students. When ready, pass out the worksheet to the class and give them a moment to read over the lyrics. Tell the class that you’re going to play the song one time as a wa...
However, as it is something we do frequently in our daily speech, it is a vital skill to master. This useful homework sheet helps students practise Reported Orders in three different ways.⬇ Download After downloading your PDF: print it immediately or save and print later. Answers are ...
Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help, this will help others who are looking for solutions to the same or similar problem. Contact via my Twitter (Karen Payne) or Facebook (Karen Payne) via my MSDN profile but will not ...