Reported Speech 当你要把人地既说话复述出唻既时候 你就需要用到reported speech. 中文例子: 小明: “今日我无返学.” 之后你复述时会讲: 小明话今日佢无返学. Reported speech 内 引号无左 而我会变成佢. 当句子由direct 改成reported speech 时 需要作以下既改变. Present tense ...
Activity Description:This is a fun speaking activity in which students mix and report what other students have said to them. Read below for explanation. Activity Execution Part 1 After your students have learned the grammar of reported speech and practiced a little, put them into groups of two....
This is how I introduced Reported Speech Questions and Orders. This time it was the traditional way of teaching, ie, chalk and blackboard and I’m not good at drawing so needless to say, my students had to use their imagination to guess that I was drawing a little girl and her mother....
He said me..., He told me..., or both? Find out the answer in this grammar lesson on how to use say and tell in reported speech, and avoid this very common mistake in English.
Writing Prompt: We use reported speech to tell someone what we have heard or seen. We use reported questions to tell someone what someone has asked. Review the structure and use of reported questions. Then write a letter to a friend telling her about a visit or chat you had with a long...
When the verb of speech introducing the indirect speech is in a past tense (simple, progressive or perfect), and the situation reported is still true at the moment of speaking, we can, but do not have to, backshift: “I want to go home” – He said (that) he wants/wanted to go ...
worksheet to use as a Speaking / Writing exercise for your students. A quick explanation of how reported / indirect speech works, and then a comic where the students have to convert direct to indirect speech. The introductory pdf. does not cover the full range of indirect speech. None of ...
While expressing reported statements in English is relatively easy to master, putting direct questions into reported speech can often cause problems for the learner.The simplest way to master the rules or structures is to start with a few varied direct questions, and use them as models. We will...
New FREE ↓ JOIN Forums Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Listening Speaking Reading Writing Articles 7 Secrets Guest eQuiz.Me Teflnet EnglishClub : Learn English : Grammar : Sentence-level : Reported Speech : Reported Requests Statements Backshift Time-Place Questions Requests Orders Quiz Reported...