(中文例)小明說: “今日我沒有上學.” 之後你複述他–小明說【當日】他沒有上學. Reported speech 裏, 開關引號不見了, 而「我」會變成「他」。 當句子由direct 改成reported speech 時, 要作出以下改變. Present tense =〉 past tense Past tense =〉past perfect Present perfect =〉 past perfect Presen...
Reported Speech 当你要把人地既说话复述出唻既时候 你就需要用到reported speech. 中文例子: 小明: “今日我无返学.” 之后你复述时会讲: 小明话今日佢无返学. Reported speech 内 引号无左 而我会变成佢. 当句子由direct 改成reported speech 时 需要作以下既改变. Present tense ...
or tell about what someone said. This is called "reported speech." Before we get into the rules for reporting speech, here are the terms we are using to explain it.
Reported Speech
No Change in Verb Tenses in Reported Speech间接引语中动词时态没有变化 There is no change in verb tenses inIndirect Speech when: 在以下情况下,间接演讲中的动词时态没有变化: The introductory verb is in the Present, Present Perfect or Future. 引言动词是现在完成时或将来时。If the reported sentence...
PresentPerf.Continuous--->PastPerf.ContinuousWehavebeenwaitingforhours.->hTahdeybceoemnpwlaintiendgtfhoarthtohuerys.“Angelalikesfashionmagazines.”“Charlesisawonderfulperson.”“Thesearemyfavouritebooks.”“Peterisdrivinghisnewbike.”Changethequotesintoreportedspeech “Wearehavingagreattime.”“Wereyou...
Direct SpeechReported Speech Simple Present Simple Past Present Progressive Past Progressive Simple Past Past Perfect Simple Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple Past Progressive Past Perfect Progressive Present Perfect Progressive Past Perfect Progressive Future I (going to) was / were going to Futur...
English Grammar - Reported Speech 18 2023-05 3 English Grammar - Present Simple & Present Progressive 25 2023-05 4 English Grammar - Present Simple - YES-NO QUESTIONS 23 2023-05 5 English Grammar - Present Simple - WH- QUESTIONS 19
ReportedSpeech PresentSimplePastSimple PresentContinuousPastContinuous PresentContinuous Mark:Iamplayingpiano PastContinuous Marksaidthat…Hewasplayingpiano ReportedSpeech PresentSimple PresentContinuousPresentPerfect PastSimple PastContinuousPastPerfect PresentPerfect Mark:Ihaveeatenalot!PastPerfect Marksaidthat…Hehad...
Reportedspeech Iwillgotoseeafilmduringtheweekend.WhatdidShirleysayshewoulddoduringtheweekend?Shesaidshewouldgotoseeafilmduringtheweekend.ListentotheinterviewwithHuangLiliwhoisanacrobaticartist,andwritedownthreequestionsthatthejournalistaskedher.1.Whendidyoudecidetobeadancer?IaskedHuangliliWhenshehaddecidedtobea...