Click here for a list of all the reported speech exercises. DO YOU WANT TO MASTER ENGLISH GRAMMAR? Your logical way to teach is very easy to understand. - Lyudmila This is the best-structured and the most clear course I've ever seen. ...
(directspeech)Myfathersaid,"Iwillbuyalaptopforyou."(directspeech)AmysaidshelikedPeter.(reported)Myfathersaidhewouldbuyalaptopforme.(reported)Inareportedstatement,whenthemainverbispast,therestofthesentenceneedtobepast,too.Annasaidsomethingindirectspeech. YoutellsomebodywhatAnnasaidinreportedspeech.Annasaid,“I...
大家快来跟我一起看English Grammar In Use这本书,看看native speakers的语法教材是怎么编排,如何理解、学习英语语法的。 你可以当这是网课,但我更希望这是一个带领你读书的过程。我们一起把原本枯燥的语法书吃透。 展开更多 雅思 英语学习 英语 考试
Grammar Express: Reported Speech is the complete course in mastering Direct and Indirect narration in English. It contains over 50 pages of lessons explaining…
美英儿童教育资料 reported-speech-grammar-drills Ifwereportwhatanotherpersonhassaid,weusuallydonotusethespeaker’sexactwords(directspeech),butreportedspeech(indirect).Whentransformingstatements,checkwhetheryouhavetochange:pronounspresenttenseverbs(3rdpersonsingular)placeandtimeexpressionstenses...
In English grammar, we use reported speech to say what another person has said. In reported speech, we change the tense and pronouns to show that some time has passed. Learn all about reported speech in English with Lingolia, then test your knowledge in
Statements in Reported SpeechPronouns In reported speech, you often have to change the pronoun depending on who says what. Example She says, “My mum doesn’t have time today.”– She says that her mum doesn’t have time today. Tenses No backshift Do not change the tense if the ...
reported speechHe asked me why I didn’t speak English. without interrogativedirect speech“Do you speak English?” reported speechHe asked me whether / if I spoke English. →more on questions in reported speech Requests When transforming questions, check whether you have to change: ...
Reportedspeech Shetoldme(that…)Introductoryverbs Hesaid(that…)Theyexplained(that..)Ipointedout(that…)Sheadded(that..)Heclaimed(that..)Theythought(that..)Weinformedher(that..)Shewhispered(that..)Changetenses!Gobackwardsintime Remembertochangethese CANWILLAMISAREHAVEHASHADWASWERE COULDWOULDWASWERE...
English Grammar - Reported speech Statements 1) If the sentence starts in the present , there is no backshift of tenses in Reported speech. Example: Susan: "I work in an office." Susan says that she works in an office. 2) If the sentence starts in the past, there is often backshift ...