English exercise "Reported speech" created byanonymewithThe test builder. Click here to see the current stats of this English test Pleaselog into save your progress. 1. I'm a teacher-/He said that . 2. It's windy-/He said that
Hi, Peter! Hi, Ivy! I haven't seen youin a while. What have you been up to? I was busy with my driving classes and last week I had my driving exam. Guess what? I passed! Congrats! I'm so happy for you! Thanks! I'm getting my own car tomorrow. I'm really excited! Wow!
Reported speech and tensesComplete the sentences.Twitter ShareEnglish exercise "Reported speech and tenses" created by necroboynonoss with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from necroboynonoss]Click here to see the current stats of this English testPlease...
In English grammar, we use reported speech to say what another person has said. In reported speech, we change the tense and pronouns to show that some time has passed. Learn all about reported speech in English with Lingolia, then test your knowledge in
Reported speech is important in English because it allows us to accurately convey what someone else has said or written. It is also important in academic writing, where we need to report the words of other authors. Reported speech allows us to summarize what someone else has said, without usi...
Reported speech exercises Now that you have a clearer idea about indirect speech in English, we invite you to test your skills with these exercises. Change each of the following sentences into reported speech in English. “Our cousinwill goto Moscow next week,” said Trina. ...
Test your skills further with this 6-question quiz, focusing on the more challenging aspects of Reported Speech: Check Your Understanding Write the sentences using reported speech. 1. Selma said, “I have been shopping.” What did she say? 2. George said, “I had just finished my work....
Intermediate Just when students think they’ve mastered all the English tenses, along comes Reported Speech, putting their logic and grammatical knowledge to the ultimate test. And while some may find it straightforward, many learners do not. ...
1 till/if in the reported speech in the past 2 "He thought his sister was/had been playing with his toys when he wasn't there" -1 reporting time clauses in the past and future 0 Reported speech and possible changes Hot Network Questions What is the meaning of וְתֵ...
Reported Speech: In this article, you will be introduced to reported speech, its meaning and definition, how and when to use it. You can also check out the examples given for a much better understanding of reported speech.