Click here for a list of reported speech exercises. Click here to download this explanation in PDF. Reported Statements When do we use reported speech? Sometimes someone says a sentence, for example "I'm going to the cinema tonight". Later, maybe we want to tell someone else what the firs...
Exercise on Reported Speech - 10 :: Learn English online - free exercises, explanations, games, teaching materials and plenty of information on English language. :: page 10
More reported speech exercises here DO YOU WANT TO MASTER eNGLISH GRAMMAR? Your logical way to teach is very easy to understand. - Lyudmila This is the best-structured and the most clear course I've ever seen. - Oksana It was easy to learn - you explained it perfectly. - Maria CLI...
reported speech for difficult tenses exeptions for backshift requests withmust,should,ought toandlet’s →more on additional information and exeptions in reported speech Exercises on Reported Speech Statements in Reported Speech no backshift – change of pronouns ...
Reported speech exercises Now that you have a clearer idea about indirect speech in English, we invite you to test your skills with these exercises. Change each of the following sentences into reported speech in English. “Our cousinwill goto Moscow next week,” said Trina. ...
This song is chock-full of examples of reported speech. It’s also fairly short and easy to understand. “Norwegian Wood” provides an example of direct speech (We talked until two and then she said,“it’s time for bed”), which is a nice contrast to the instances of reported speech...
This is an extract from Verbal Tenses, Passive Voice and Reported Speech: Grammar, Uses, Exercises 37 n.7, 38 (2010), citing Tillman & Tillman's A Fragment on Shall and May.Seth Barrett Tillman
INTRODUCTORY VERBS in REPORTED SPEECH verb + to + infinitive agree demand offer promise refuse threaten claim “Yes, I’ll come with you.”“Tell me everything.”“Would you like me to carry it?”“I’ll study more.”“No, I won’t come with you.”“Behave yourself or I’ll ...
reported-speech宾语从句幻灯片 热度: INTRODUCTORYVERBSinREPORTEDSPEECH verb+to+infinitive agree demand offer promise refuse threaten claim “Yes,I’llcomewithyou.” “Tellmeeverything.” “Wouldyoulikemetocarryit?” “I’llstudymore.” “No,Iwon’tcomewithyou.” ...
Exercise on Reported Speech - 07 :: Learn English online - free exercises, explanations, games, teaching materials and plenty of information on English language. :: page 07