BIF and SAIF report increased earningsNorthwestern Financial Review
重点报道 上海交通大学上海高级金融学院 SAIF 企业新闻室 最新新闻 图片新闻 多媒体新闻
(1)“科兴生物”持股比例达15.07%的SAIF Partners IV,大家知道它的首字母“SAIF”拆开来是什么意思吗?它其实就是“Softbank Asia Infrastructure Fund”的缩写,“Softbank Asia Infrastructure Fund”的中文翻译就是“软银亚洲基础设施基金公司 ”。对于“软银”,是不是很熟悉的字眼? (2)“科兴生物”持股比例达8.39...
Ex SAIF SERREA II - The field hospital clinical report. J R Army Med Corps 2004;150:252-255.Bricknell MCM and Wright LA.Ex SAIF SERREA II - The Field Hospital Clinical Report. J Roy Army Med Corps 2004;150:252-255.Bricknell MC, Wright LA. EX SAIF SEREEA II--the field hospital ...
Byline: Jack Doyle Home Affairs CorrespondentDaily Mail (London)
Byline: Jack Doyle Home Affairs CorrespondentDaily Mail (London)