Various other sightings included American Pygmy Kingfisher, Little Cuckoo,Squirrel-Cuckoo, Swallow-tailed Kites and an Amazonian Motmot flying across the river. On the grounds of our lodge the lily lake, which has been cleared of all vegetation, a White-rumped Sandpiper was keeping company with a...
The Long-tailed Duck record was the most surprising longevity record received. There have only been 25 individuals of this species ringed in Britain and Ireland and, apart from being one of very few ducks (excepting Eider) that have survived more than 20 years, it also provided the first ...
Driving back to the main road a pair of Toco Toucans posed nicely on the top of a tree, a Swallow-tailed Hummingbird gave a great performance as it fed around a flowering bush and a pair of Blue-and-yellow Macaws flew low overhead. Then we began the long drive back to Trinidad, ...
At the pumping station, a Wire-tailed Swallow perched very close and Agnes spotted some babblers that turned out to be Yellow-eyed Babbler (that has reddish not yellow eye-rings and is currently not classed as a babbler but amongst the Old World warblers). Crossing the main bridge, we...