在稍微富有的情况下,通过 数码管 显示一串神秘的数字,报告系统的状态,称为 POST code UEFI 的 ReportStatusCode 明显是 POST Code 加强版。 它基本就是围绕着两个 UINT32 建立起的体系,一个为 Type,另一个为 Value。 离离原上谱的是,ReportStatusCode 非常强大,可以“外挂”许多数据,看上去与 POST Code 已经...
private static void PrintErrors(ContentError contentError) { Console.WriteLine("HTTP status code: " + contentError.Error.Code); foreach (Error error in contentError.Error.Errors) { Console.WriteLine("reason: {0}\nmessage: {1}\nlocation type: {2}\nlocation: {3}\n", error.Reason, e...
Setting lpszObjType to the string all object types returns status for all objects. uCode [in] Unsigned integer that contains the status code. For a list of the possible values, see the description for the uStatus parameter of the IReplStore::ReportStatus method. uParam [in] Unsigned ...
My requirement is to Genarate a report that will display the background job Status. I.e. job cancelled or job abended or job still running like that. My selection screen will be : Job Name. Run Date . Run time . Status of Job . Can any one please send me the report code , i ...
HTTP status code错误信息描述 403InvalidParameter%s无效的参数。 403InstanceIdLimitExceeded%s指定的 InstanceId 个数不能超过 100 个。 403DiskIdLimitExceeded%s指定的 DiskId 个数不能超过 100 个。 403InvalidInstanceId.NotFound%s指定的实例不存在,请确认参数 InstanceId 是否正确。
com.amazonaws.services.inspector.model Enum ReportStatusjava.lang.Object java.lang.Enum<ReportStatus> com.amazonaws.services.inspector.model.ReportStatus All Implemented Interfaces: Serializable, Comparable<ReportStatus>@Generated(value="com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") public enum ...
'Report Status': ['Report Status'.Draft], Traveler: LookUp( Users, 'Primary Email' = VarUser.Email ) } ) ) Patch explanation This code is the most complex piece so far in this learning path. To help you better understand what this code is doing, let's break it down. ...
This API is used to receive SMS status reports from the Message & SMS platform. You can set the SMS status report callback address by specifying the statusCallback field
{ "Code": "OK", "HttpStatusCode": 200, "Message": "无", "RequestId": "943D8EF3-3321-471F-A104-51C96FCA94D6", "Data": [ { "StatsTime": 1620230400000, "Inbound": { "AverageRingTime": 5, "CallsVoicemail": 0, "MaxAbandonedInIVRTime": 0, "CallsHandled": 7, "CallsIVRExcep...
WithHealthyHttpResponseStatusCodeRanges ApplicationGatewayProbe.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithHost ApplicationGatewayProbe.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithInterval ApplicationGatewayProbe.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithPath ApplicationGatewayProbe.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithProtocol ApplicationGatewayProbe.UpdateDefinitionStages...