Below, we’ll show you how you can use the bot on Telegram to report a scammer. 1: Open Telegram To report a user on Telegram, first open the Telegram app. Note that you need to have a Telegram account to report any account or channel. The website does have a form on its support...
Still, the insights into scammer psychological tactics andstructions provided here offer potential victims valuable armor to protect finances and avoid conversion altogether. By proactively protecting finances using fraud avoidance best practices rather than acting hastily regarding appealing job offers, those...
A new technique recently observed by our researchers is the "hijacking" of legitimate invoices sent by companies so that the account number is changed to that of the scammer. Some cases we have seen involved scammers attacking the email server to change the details on the invoice. Others were...
Report to the Crypto Exchange: If a scam occurs on a cryptocurrency exchange platform, report it to them. They might have security protocols to trace the scammer or freeze the involved accounts. Legal Action: If the scammer can be identified, you could take legal action. However, due to cry...