She could not recall being in contact with tuberculosis. Given that a 7-day course of levofloxacin treatment for presumed right lung pneumonia did not improve her symptoms, she was subjected to further examinations. An initial bronchoscopy showed friable, bleeding, and irregular mucosa of the ...
Army medical facilities, cumulative numbersa for calendar years through 31 October 2009 and 31 October 2010 Army Reporting locations NORTHERN Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD Fort Belvoir, VA Fort Bragg, NC Fort Dix, NJ Fort Drum, NY Fort Eustis, VA Fort George G Meade, MD Fort Knox, KY Fort ...
maryaarinea., * CDorrruesgp-roensdisetnacne:t mtuabrieer.chuaulofrsoisid, c@auunsaemdubr.ybea strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to first and seconDdr-ulign-eredsrisutgasn,t itsuabemrcaujolorsgisl,ocbaaulshedeabltyhathstrreaaint (oSfaMrkyacro,bSa.c,...