原文链接:【ABAP系列】SAP ABAP模块-任意report作为附件以邮件形式发送 回到顶部 前言部分 大家可以关注我的公众号,公众号里的排版更好,阅读更舒适。 回到顶部 正文部分 1:把输入值的report用submit and return执行,并且传输到spool 2:spool是存储信息的 3:应用fun.mod.压缩数据表 4:创建附件 5:用SO_NEW_DOCUMEN...
SAPABAPReport *---*ATSELECTION-SCREEN:选择屏幕运行时触发,主要是对查询条件或是权限进行校验SELECTION:选择屏幕运行时触发选择屏幕运行时触发,*---ATSELECTION-SCREEN.1.ONpsel:在PARAMETER变化是触发的事件2.ONENDOFsel:SELECT-OPTION触发的事件3.ONVALUE-REQUESTFORpsel_low_high:选择的帮助(F4)4.ONHELP-RE...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, try to use the A3 size paper in printer, it may solve the problem, regards, kcc Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2006 Aug 03 7:00 AM 0 Kudos 111 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development try to contact your BASIS for prope...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Testing and Analysis What is Report Writer in Abap ? How we can write a simple report through report writer . It's Tcode , How to proceed ? I developed several report through ABAP , but i have no clue about Report Writer . What is advantage to using it . ...
1. ABAP/4 Introduction Introduction ABAP/4(Advanced Business Application Programming)是SAP/R3目前唯一的系统发展工具, 属4GL,语法比较近似Visual Basic或JAVA,和传统third-generation语言,如C,PASCAL 有很大不同,在程序模块(Program Structure Module)可分以...
ABAP 对话框程序 SAP ABAP 报表程序 报表 是以有组织的结构表示数据。许多数据库管理系统都包括一个报表编写器,它使您能够设计和生成报表。SAP 应用程序支持报表创建。传统报表是通过在循环内使用 WRITE 语句中的输出数据创建的。它们不包含任何子报表。SAP 还提供了一些标准报表,例如用于跨客户端复制表的 RSCLTCOP...
This post describes how F4 help can be displayed for selection criteria defined by SELECT-OPTIONS on selection screen of ABAP report programs. F4 help can be added to
(referred to as ES2015 from here on), which not only made promises native to the language without requiring one of the countless available libraries,'&&'we also got generators. Generators have the ability to pause execution'&&'within a function, which means that by wrapping them in a ...
WHEN100.MESSAGES888(sapapdemos)WITHtext-040sy-dynnr. WHEN200.MESSAGES888(sapapdemos)WITHtext-040sy-dynnr.ENDCASE.*&---**& EVent start of selection*&---*START-OF-SELECTION.PERFORMget_data.*&---
如果手工一步一步删减增添,那么太浪费时间,SAP为我们提供了类重构助手Refactoring Assitant。 我们以ABAP中程序类如何转化成全局类为基础,进行说明。将类ZCL_REPORT->WRITE_DATA方法迁移到新类ZCL_REPORT 概述SAP云平台上的ABAP开发环境 START-OF-SELECTION事件。在Cloud环境中已经不再支持报表程序的创建和运行。 3....