Take the label class as an example. The default formatting for the label class is Segoe UI, #252423 (a dark grey color), with a 12-point font. This class is used to format the values in the table and matrix. Typically, the totals in a table or matrix have similar formatting but ...
ReportConfigDefinition public ReportConfigDefinition() Creates an instance of ReportConfigDefinition class.Method Details dataSet public ReportConfigDataset dataSet() Get the dataSet property: Has definition for data in this report config. Returns: the dataSet value....
For example, 12/23/2009 to December Week 3: basic Copy =Format(Fields!MyDate.Value, "MMMM") & " Week " & (Int(DateDiff("d", DateSerial(Year(Fields!MyDate.Value), Month(Fields!MyDate.Value),1), Fields!FullDateAlternateKey.Value)/7)+1).ToString When used as a calculated field...
For example, 12/23/2009 to December Week 3: Copy =Format(Fields!MyDate.Value, "MMMM") & " Week " & _ (Int(DateDiff("d", DateSerial(Year(Fields!MyDate.Value), _ Month(Fields!MyDate.Value),1), Fields!FullDateAlternateKey.Value)/7)+1).ToString When used as a calculated field...
Description Exchange rate for the currency associated with the report category with respect to the base currency. DisplayName Exchange Rate IsValidForForm True IsValidForRead True LogicalName exchangerate MaxValue 100000000000 MinValue 0.000000000001 Precision 12 RequiredLevel None Type DecimalIs...
Classes in an external assembly do not appear in the Expression dialog box; you must provide the correct name for the class. A fully qualified name includes the namespace, the class name, and the member name. Including Embedded Code To add embedded code to a report, use the Code tab of...
21.1.12 Release Date 12-December-2024 13-April-2023 Support Status Supported Not Supported (for legacy apps) Minor Updates Yes No Security Updates Yes No Desktop Browsers Microsoft Edge Two Latest Versions Safari Two Latest Versions Firefox Two Latest Versions ...
1995/12/20 v1.3q Standard LaTeX document class, \if@openbib is no longer defined, reported by Ralf Heckmann and Graham Gough solution by David Carlisle 10.6.96 llncs.cls problems with fragile commands in \author field reported by Michael Gschwind, TU Wien 25.7.96 llncs.cls revision a corr...
Review due date is 2023-12-30. Thanks @ajpelu for accepting to review! Please refer to our reviewer guide. rOpenSci’s community is our best asset. We aim for reviews to be open, non-adversarial, and focused on improving software quality. Be respectful and kind! See our reviewers guide...
Resource templates for display of the report. App descriptor to enable the report module in Jira.Report logicThe Java classes include the necessary logic to retrieve the data used in configuring and displaying the report. The module class can implement the Report interface or it can extend Abstrac...