The spatial distribution of crime within the LGA Recent trends in the 17 major offence categories Temporal variation in crime by time of day, day of week and month The age and gender of victims and suspected offenders The premises types on which crimes occurred The involvement of alcohol in ...
Where a significant upward trend in the number of rejected crime reports is detected, steps are taken to determine whether the police are complying with the NSW Police Crime Recording Standard (see below).It bears emphasis that criminal incidents may validly be rejected, and hence not counted ...
Phishing is a form of online fraud that is criminalised by the Criminal Code in instances where the victim is said to be a Commonwealth entity. When the victim is a member of the public, charges are brought under parallel State or Territory legislation. In NSW, charges could be brought ...
New South Wales Police/Crime Stoppers Toll-free: 1-800-333-000 AUSTRIA Stopline BELGIUM Child Focus Judicial Police of Belgium Info and form for reporting child pornography online, provided in German, French, ...
A spokesperson for Corrective Services NSW told Xinhua on Monday, despite the crowding, the safety of the staff remains the number one priority for the organisation. "Corrective Services staff work among some of the state's most volatile and unpredictable people, but they must still have a safe...
In New South Wales, under s 27 of the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW), both psychologistswho are employed to deliver health care, education (including school psychologists) or children's services, and psychologists who supervise those providing services to children...
Under Australian law, it is an offence to have any trace of illicit drugs in your body if you are driving a motor vehicle. The research from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) showed 80 percent of offenders were male and 70 percent were under 40. ...
parents and grandparents had entered Australia under the Lebanon concession, or as a beneficiary of family reunion schemes for Lebanon-concession ‘refugees’. This has been accompanied by an increase in crime which led to the creation of a since-suppressed NSW Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad....
A Special Commission of Inquiry such as this is a powerful entity, independent of politics and government. It has at its disposal wide-ranging evidence-gathering powers under the Special Commissions of Inquiry Act 1983 (NSW) … Owing to the inherent strength and integrity of these procedures, a...
The IGADF then appointed NSW Supreme Court judge and reserve Maj. Gen. Paul Brereton to conduct the inquiry. It was released, although heavily redacted, this week. Brereton interviewed over 400 witnesses. He found 23 incidents for which there was credible evidence of a crime. In his report...