第5章:Alternate Exchange。 第6章:实现ReturnCallback接口,用来接收没有Queue的退回消息。 文章内容 关于如何确保发送方数据安全的问题,官网也作了详细的解释: Publisher-side data safety topics (connection recovery, publisher confirms) :https://www.rabbitmq.com/publishers.html#data-safety Publisher Confirms:...
Closed johnbukaixinopened this issueNov 16, 2018· 11 comments Copy link Contributor garyrussellcommentedNov 16, 2018 It means we had some problem processing the acknowledgment; you should see the root cause elsewhere in the log; I just ran a test... ...
【bug】Java操作FTP报错MalformedServerReplyException: Could not parse response code. Server Reply: SSH-2... 大家好,我是一直默默努力的大龄程序媛大丫姨,今天帮助同事解决一个附件上传的问题,他反馈说附件上传后,代码卡死,不报错,无反应,结果经过我细细排查,发现不支持ftp协议。 问题 MalformedServerReplyExcepti...